Private Member Association

About Light Dove Ministries

Experience the Difference in Authentic Well Care

Founded in 2020, Light Dove Ministries (LDM) is a beacon of hope and healing, operating as a 508(c)(1)(a) Private Membership Association. This unique structure allows us to embrace and exercise our First Amendment rights vigorously. At the heart of LDM is the belief in Jesus Christ as the source of all truth and life. Our ministry is dedicated to providing members with access to a wealth of resources including natural health services, spiritual guidance, and educational materials that align with our core religious and spiritual values. These offerings are designed to empower our community in the pursuit of holistic well-being, protected under the broad umbrella of freedoms guaranteed by the United States Constitution.

Lighthouses & Doves

Our ethos is symbolized by lighthouses and doves, representing guidance through darkness and the peace of the Holy Spirit, respectively. Light Dove Ministries stands as a guiding light and a symbol of peace, committed to the healing of mind, body, and soul under the divine guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our actions and services are a tribute to the memory of May Dana Serafini, embodying the love and dedication she exemplified.

Lighthouse with two white doves flying around against a clear blue sky.
White lighthouse with two doves flying against a clear blue sky.

Why Light Dove Ministries

The inception of Light Dove Ministries by Pastor Andrew and René Serafini was a response to the urgent need for change, especially highlighted during the challenging times of the pandemic. As conventional healthcare systems faltered, Light Dove emerged as a sanctuary offering safe, effective, and spiritually aligned health interventions. Rejecting the corruption and profit-driven motives of the mainstream medical industry, we focus on restoring our members to health and balance, guided by the principles of nature and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our mission is clear: to serve our members with integrity, placing their well-being at the forefront of all we do.

Man in suit raising fist, eyes closed, near microphone

Health is Freedom. Light Dove Ministries is here for YOU!

Memberships and PMA’s

Group of diverse people holding hands in a circle around a wooden table.

Light Dove Ministries Membership

Joining LDM offers an exclusive opportunity to access specialized education focused on maintaining optimal health, alongside priority invitations to our events. Membership at LDM is more than just belonging to a community; it's about being part of a family dedicated to mutual support and the shared journey towards enlightenment and health.

Four people standing in a field, arms around each other, looking at the horizon during sunset.


Our status as a Private Membership Association is not just a legal designation; it's our commitment to privacy, autonomy, and protection for our members and the sacred trust we share. In a world where surveillance and infringement on personal freedoms are rampant, LDM stands as a fortress of confidentiality and spiritual sovereignty.

In the spirit of Jeremiah 33:6, we are committed to bringing health, healing, and peace to our community. Light Dove Ministries is not just a ministry; it is a movement towards a future where health is viewed as a holistic blend of spiritual, physical, and mental well-being, guided by divine wisdom and the unshakeable belief in the power of God’s love and healing. Join us on this journey to freedom and flourishing in all aspects of life.

Light Dove Ministries is Here for YOU!

‘Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security.’

– Jeremiah 33:6